Monday, October 19, 2009

Alternate Power Sources---Solar Ovens

Last spring I bought a solar oven and have used it several times. It works great! Cooking time is not as crucial, you can leave food in the cooker longer than usual and it won't burn. A solar oven will cook almost anything a regular oven will cook.

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you can go here to find how to make several different kinds of inexpensive solar ovens. If you have way too much time on your hands and are looking for a fun solar oven project, go here. Scroll down on this webpage to find information on using a solar oven in the winter, and what kinds of pots are best to solar cook in.


  1. I also have a solar oven and have really enjoyed cooking with it. Foods cooked in the solar oven also seem to have its own distinct taste. What type of solar oven do you have?

  2. I have a Sun Oven, from Sun Oven International, Inc. The first time I showed my husband the website, he was shocked to see that it came with a trailer! That wasn't the one I wanted, but his reaction was funny! I have the regular-sized oven. The larger unit, on the trailer, is for a village of people to use. The company sells them to people in third-world countries. What kind do you have?
