Friday, September 4, 2009

Evacuation Kits---Water

The first thing to put in your kit is water. We can survive a few weeks without food, but only a few days without water. The human body is 2/3 water and deprivation will cause the body to start shutting down within a short time.

A person doing nothing but resting looses 2-2 1/2 quarts of water a day. In very hot weather a person can lose a gallon of water per hour in sweat. On a daily basis, chronic dehydration in the human body can increase the chance of colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer; it can increase back and joint pain; and it can increase headaches.

At the very minimum have 1 gallon of water per person per day. In arid areas, 3 gallons per person per day is better. This water is only for hydration; you will need extra water for cooking and sanitation. If you have pets with you, remember their water needs, too. If you stay put during a disaster and you have large animals, such as horses or cows, be sure to have a supply of water for them as well.

Another thing to have in your pack is some sort of water filtration system. There are many on the market, with different ways of filtering water, and with different prices. Research water filtration systems to see which one is just right for your situation. Keep in mind your method of evacuation--in a car or on foot--so you will know how much water you can take/carry, and you will have a better idea of the size and weight of the unit you will need.

You might think that a river would be perfect to refill your water bottles, but don't do it. There are too many things in the water that you can't see that would make you very sick. Using a filtering system will help get rid of the bad stuff. Giardia, which is a microscopic organism, is one of the biggest problems and is in most untreated water. It creates an infection that takes 1-2 weeks to appear. The worst of the infection creates:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas or bloating
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low-grade fever
  • Nausea
  • Swollen or distended abdomen
  • Vomiting
These symptoms can last 2-4 weeks. So, be safe and don't drink water that hasn't been filtered.


[Winter gardening--fennel]

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