Monday, February 1, 2010

Italian Meatballs

There has been a request for the Italian Meatballs recipe. We have it posted on our previous emergency blog, and you can link to it here.

Penny asked if Parmesan cheese can be added to the meatballs before canning. Dairy products don't can well. I tried canning a 1/2 pint of cheddar cheese just to see what would happen--and it wasn't pretty! I have never tried to eat it, although I am sure it wouldn't hurt me. Cheese can be kept on the shelf for years if you just put wax on it. There is wax called cheese wax that you use. I got the cheese and cheese wax, but alas, I got sidetracked and it never got done.

You may find a method online on how to can butter. This is not pressure canned, but the butter is heated until melted, put into sterilized jars, and then the lids "seal" when it cools. There is some concern by the government that butter is not to be canned (the reason is that they have not done the research on it to give it their approval). Many people have been using this method of canning butter for many years and have never had a problem. I was going to "can" butter and I purchased ten pounds when it was on special, but I never got beyond that because I was sidetracked, again. You can buy commercially canned butter, but it is very expensive.


  1. Good article. When canning butter be sure you follow every little step or it will seperate and that is not a pretty sight. Unless you are big butter users can 1/2 pints or pints. My gramdmother canned quarts, but she used alot of butter in her baking.
    Grandpasw Pantry(aka --Bill)

  2. Canning butter is a simple process. Bill is right, just follow the steps and it will turn our fine.---Prepped
